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website packages


The One Pager

Ideal for small businesses, a scrolling single page site can be a great support to your social media activity whilst also providing a landing page to send clients and customers.  The One Pager generally includes an introduction to you and your business and the services/products you provide.  It can also include social media feeds (Insta/FB), newsletter sign up options and of course a contact form. 

My One Pager Site package offers;

  • Design of single page website using Wix reflecting your business branding

  • Sourcing of appropriate imagery (if not provided by client)

  • Copy writing for the site including business overview and introduction

  • Inclusion of testimonials and reviews

  • Contact Us Form 

  • Social Media Feed

  • Newsletter Sign Up form

  • Inclusion of all Social Media Links


A well designed website is one of the best investments a business can make.  Reflecting your business brand, a clean easy to navigate site provides not only crucial business information to your clients/customers but also supports any marketing activities you do.

The Business/Portfolio package provides up to 5 pages and generally includes a Home Page, About Us, Services/Products, Gallery/Portfolio and a Contact Us page.

Included in the package is;

  • Sourcing of website domain relevant to your business (if not already purchased)

  • Design of (up to) a 5 page website using Wix reflecting your business branding

  • Sourcing of appropriate imagery (if not provided by client)

  • Copy writing for the site including business overview and introduction

  • Inclusion of testimonials and reviews

  • Contact Us Form 

  • Social Media Feed

  • Newsletter Sign Up form

  • Inclusion of all Social Media Links

  • A training session for client on the upkeep of their own site

  • Basic site updates for 3 months after site is live


Selling products online has never been easier.  Whether supporting a bricks and mortar business with additional revenue or selling solely online, a good e-commerce site can be worth it's weight in gold.

As all ecom business needs are different it is important that I meet with a client first before I can provide a price.  The complexities behind setting up an online shop are unknown until this first meeting, however, it is always recommended that we base the site around the Business/Portfolio package and add in the functionality of the shop.

So whether you are selling fashion and accessories, cleaning chemicals or kids toys, working together to make sure your products sing (and sell) would be my number 1 priority!

Member Sites

Working on the above Business/Portfolio Package, a Member Site adds the functionality of secure pages accessible only to site members.  These pages could be blogs, member only information or even a private shop.  The options are endless and would require a first meeting to really nut out exactly what you were hoping to achieve with this level of website control.

It is always recommended that the base of the website is built (per the Busines/Portfolio package) and provide additional pages for those client/customers/members you would like to provide these resources to.

I would be happy to work with you on the functionality and structure of these kinds of websites over a coffee or email.


Graphic Design
Logo | Branding | Documents

Graphic Design packages

Logo & Branding Package

When you have the right branding for your business you know.  Branding is so much more than just a logo you put on business cards and website.  My Logo and Branding Package​ paints the picture of your business and starts with understanding you, your business and clients/customers.

Included in this package is;

  • One on one consultation and development discussions either in person or over the phone/email

  • Up to 3 logo design samples to determine direction

  • Final design of 2 logos (portrait and landscape)

  • Brand Guidelines for logo including font guide & colour palettes 

  • Home page mock up of website for conceptualising (full site available at additional cost)​

You can view some of my logo and branding projects here

Files will be provided in PNG (transparent), Jpeg and PDF formats.



Enhancing your business brand through stationary is an easy way to raise your brand recognition.  Whether it be funky business cards, formal letter heads or even that perfect email signature, the list of supporting design pieces is endless.

I will work with your existing branding guidelines to provide the additional materials to enhance your business and it's brand recognition.  Or if your branding is not yet 'there' we can package up your stationary requirements with a Logo and Branding Package to create that perfect look and feel.


Whether it is bringing your one page Strategic Plan to life or a full magazine design, I can work with you and your business to develop professional and eye catching documents.

Always considering existing brand guidelines your business documents can be converted into professionally designed PDF's with as much or as little design input from you as you wish.

Bundles of neat little packages

Table and Chair

Starting Out

There is so much to consider when starting up a new business, the least of which is 'how do I get my business noticed?'.  The Starting Out package is ideal to set up your business from the ground up.

Starting with the Logo & Branding Package which will flow across all elements of your set up - car signage, business cards, social media etc etc.

Using the branding guidelines built specifically for your business, the next step to get you up and running is web presence.  We will support you in the the essential business Set up of Social Media - Facebook and Instagram.  This included work will provide you with account set ups, designing of all profile graphics and the relevant text content to introduce your business to the world.

Finally I will provide you with the One Pager Package, a scrolling single page website where you can refer clients/customers and also tie into your social media activity.

This package has it all for those wanting to get their businesses up and running.

The Essentials

The Essentials package bundles up all the necessary marketing set ups for a small business - the Logo and Branding Package and a smooth functional Business/Portfolio Website.

Incorporating strong and relevant logo and imagery to prepare your branding flowing into a customised business/portfolio website with all your businesses essential information, this package is ideal for those starting out or wanting a complete refresh.


If what you are looking for is not listed above, please get in touch.  I would be happy to tailor the perfect package for your business.

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